Teen Abortions Facts

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A teen pregnancy has its own special challenges. Here are some basic facts and figures about teen pregnancy in the United States.

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Read about common questions and myths such as:. If I have an abortion, will I be able to get pregnant again? Does abortion cause an increased risk of breast cancer?

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About a quarter of teen moms have a second within 24 months of their first baby.

Abortion is legal in most countries in the world. Abortion Committee in the Family Planning association on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men considers that a ban on abortions does not lead to a decrease in their numbers, but rather will increase the number of operations performed in the community.

Statistics. According to the Guttmacher Institute, 88 percent of abortions occur within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, with only 1.5 percent occurring after 21 weeks’ gestation.

Abortion Statistics. More than half of abortions are obtained by women under 25 years of age. In fact, 35 percent of pregnant teenagers have an abortion, according to the National Abortion Federation.

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Teen Pregnancy Facts takes a look at the trends in teenage pregnancy, the higher risks for medical problems in teenage mothers, and a comparison of teenagers who get pregnant to women who wait until they are older to get pregnant.

The Supreme Court and a federal appeals court are now moving simultaneously to sort out a major constitutional controversy over a right to abortion for undocumented teenaged teens being held in federal immigration centers and who are now or will become pregnant.