Penis Smells Weird

Author Note: This is a reimaging of the episode Carpet Diem. Originally it was meant to take place during the actual plot of the episode with this story taking

4 Skunk. I love the smell of skunk! It’s a wonderful smell! I am sitting in my house right now and there must be a skunk underneath my porch or something because the whole ground floor smells like skunk.

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Weird (And Slightly Disgusting) Food From Around the World. We’ve all heard the stories before: someone comes back from a vacation and regales you with a seemingly endless supply of banal travel-related tales, most of which you’re probably not interested in and some of which you’re pretty sure are works of fiction.

The best strange but true tales that have to be read to be believed at

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Technorati tags: psychology, mental, disorders, list, mind, brain, illness, condition They might sound like some Indie Rock band or the latest Japanese invention, but actually are rare, strange, bizarre and downright weird mental disorders and conditions.

Mar 15, 2011 · Michael Jackson, pictured above, claimed to have this weird disease and the treatment he used for his Vertiligo/Vitiligo has caused his complexion to lighten up.. Vertiligo is a chronic cutaneous disorder that causes skin patches pigmentation that occurs when the cell (melanocytes), is responsible for the skin pigmentation or skin to …

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Culprit: Erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs If you were to ask a room full of college s to name the worst side effect of Viagra (), a never-ending erection is likely to be their answer.The drug’s creepiest side effect, however, has nothing to do with the penis.. Erectile dysfunction drugs can change the way you see things.

Get the latest weird news stories from all over the world. Find bizarre and offbeat news about people, nature and unexplained mysteries at ABC News.

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My Penis By Karen Wheatley as told to John Hughes From the November 1978 issue of National Lampoon (Click on Picture for Larger Version) One day last fall, I woke up with a with this with a well, it was, it was all covered with hair and um, it was, oh, it was big and, ah, it was a you know, it was a what it was was a it was like a, well it was a penis.

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Jun 30, 2012 · If you watch almost any TV at all, you’ll see commercials about your vagina–and how it needs to smell better. Ugh, I know, right?! There’s a whole industry built around maintaining our lady parts. There are wipes, douches, sprays and more that promise to help us feel, well, fresher. They have fragrant names like Fresh … Read More

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