Birth Star Calculator

Free online tool to find Nakshatra, Janma nakshatram, Birth star, Naalu for any particular day or birth date

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Nakshatra finder tool tells you what Nakshatra and Pada (quarter) you belong to. This Nakshatra calculator is easy to use and answers your basic queries about birth-star.

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Find Nakshatra with Zodiac sign by Vedic, Janma nakshatram, Birth star, Naalu for any particular day or birth date,Rashi nakshatra calculator for 12 Rasi Star

Click on Submit and then scroll down for fun statistics and your astrological data.

What is your rasi? Rasi and Nakshatra Calculator. Your Nakshatra Temple. Birth Star Temple List. Find out your Raasi, Nakshatram, Pada (Quarter). Rashi Finder. Birth Star …

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Indian Nadi Astrology Past life calculator from is developed based on Indian Nadi Astrology and gives you an overview of your past birth and sins in past life.

Jupiter’s interesting behavior may explain the kingly aspect of the Star. But there are nine qualifications of the Star of Bethlehem. Many are still missing. How did Jupiter’s movement relate to the Jewish nation?

Choosing a baby name by birth star. It is quite common amoung some communities of Hindus to choose the names of their s from the birth star. Here we provide a table with birth stars and the corresponding syllable the name should start with.

Birth star : your Birth star or janma naal or nal or nakshatram or nakshathram is important in vedic astrology , and very importance in KERALA ASTROLOGY, it has significance influence in shaping your character

Twenty-fourth Century Stardates Calculating calendar dates in The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager While there have been very few references to actual dates in more than 700 episodes of Star Trek, it is possible to derive a fairly accurate correlation between the fictional Stardate system and calendar dates in The Next Generation

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