Religious Sex Cults

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Definitions of words: cults, sects and denominations. Meaning of the word “sect:”. A sect is a small religious group that is an offshoot of an established religion or denomination.

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Apologetics Research Resources on Christian doctrines, religious movements, cults, sects, world religions and related issues

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Cults and new religious movements. Menu: a.k.a. New Religious Movements. Are they Spiritual, Positive, Gentle, Harmless,

A new religious movement (NRM), also known as a new religion or an alternative spirituality, is a religious or spiritual group that has modern origins and which occupies a peripheral place within its society’s dominant religious culture.

by Brian Desborough. from Whale Website This website recently received the following inquiry: “I am unable to find information on your research regarding an international church which I have been told is a sect.

Apr 09, 2015 · The word “cult” was originally synonymous with the word “sect,” which referred to a religious group that was critical of society and accepted voluntary mem

Politics, sex and religion are the three things you’re not supposed to discuss in mixed company. Fortunately, if you’re in a cult, odds are you get to discuss those topics as much as you want. In the right cults you probably get to discuss them while having group sex. If you’re allowed to speak

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Definitions of words: cults, sects and denominations. Meaning of the word “sect:”. A sect is a small religious group that is an offshoot of an established religion or denomination.

The term cult usually refers to a social group defined by its religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs, or its common interest in a particular personality, object or goal.

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A “cult” typically refers to a social group devoted to beliefs or practices that the surrounding population considers to be outside the mainstream. Cults usually expect a large amount of time and money to be devoted as well.