Problems Having Orgasm

Problems Having Orgasm 41

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Orgasm (from Greek ὀργασμός orgasmos “excitement, swelling”; also sexual climax) is the sudden discharge of accumulated sexual excitement during the sexual response cycle, resulting in rhythmic muscular contractions in the …

Problems with the penis and other personal issues . Unfortunately there are no shortage of things that can go wrong with the penis, and they can be fairly distressing.

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Learn more about healthy sexual function from Health and Wellness Education at IU Health Center.

Men who masturbate prone are MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more likely to have anorgasmia or delayed orgasm. Indeed, among men, this might be a problem that only happens in men who masturbate prone

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Explains various aspects of female sexuality and provides advice on relationships, sex, and sexual problems.

Are you having trouble reaching orgasm? Here is a guide for women.

using the male sexual arousal cycle to achieve multliple orgasms and control ejaculation with the PC muscle

Good news! Your difficulties reaching orgasm and ejaculating are about to get a whole lot easier. You probably arrived at this site because you searched for information about why you’re having difficulty reaching orgasm and ejaculating, and in the hope of finding a …

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