Gay Popes

This chronological list of popes corresponds to that given in the Annuario Pontificio under the heading “I Sommi Pontefici Romani” (The Supreme Pontiffs of Rome), excluding those that are explicitly indicated as antipopes.

The pope, doctrine of infallibility, the magisterium, is the pope infallible, The Rock, Why move to Rome from Jerusalem, what is Succession, Hierarchical Authority, Doesn’t the Bible say call no man man?

Kolmar Popes: Larry Larkin (Click Image) The Popes Gaylords War . The Pope/Gaylord’s war of the early seventies divided the White greaser gangs in Chicago at a time when ity gang memberships were on the rise.

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Bernie Sanders spoke at Liberty University, the college founded by Jerry Falwell, on Monday. The speech, noteworthy for where Sanders, an avowed liberal, delivered it, was also an interesting appeal for those of differing beliefs to find common ground. I’ve annotated it below using Genius. Feel free

For the month of Gay Pride (in church), it would be great if we we could simply celebrate a list of unambiguously gay popes – but we can’t.

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Marcial Maciel Degollado, a priest from Mexico with an extravagant name, was the greatest fundraiser for the postwar Catholic Church and equally its greatest criminal.

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This is a list of sexually active popes, Catholic priests who were not celibate before they became popes, and popes who were legally married. Some candidates were sexually active before their election as pope, and others were accused of being sexually active during their papacies.

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But haven’t we always had “bad Popes”? The “Bad Popes” Argument A very common objection one hears when discussing Sedevacantism with those unfortunate souls who still believe Jorge Bergoglio (“Francis”) is the Pope of the Catholic Church, is, “But there have always been bad Popes!”

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Sep 30, 2013 · Popes John XXIII and John Paul II will be declared saints in April, the Vatican said Monday.

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Today, Pope Benedict XVI announced he would be the first pope to step down in 600 years. Even before that, the head of the Catholic Church giving up his office voluntarily was a very rare occurrence. While there are theories two or three of the earliest popes may have resigned as well, these are the

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